Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A couple days of firsts

Hey everyone! I hope that you're doing well. I thought I'd just give you a bit of a heads up on me over the past few days. I've had a few "firsts", so I thought I'd share.

1st #1: I went to my first Kenyan movie theater yesterday, and it was VERY nice. Myself and some other students went to go see "Valentine's Day" because the theater has a deal every Monday. While the movie was pretty cheesy, it felt like I was in America for two hours. The theater could basically compare to most American theaters with nice seats, a big screen, air conditioning and very nice bathrooms.

1st #2: After seeing the movie and having not the best weekend, I got really homesick for the first time last night. I wrote about a page and a half in my journal about the people and things I miss from home. I'm much better today and appreciating my time, but APPRECIATE THE THINGS AT HOME THAT MAKE LIFE EASIER! And always, appreciate the people around you. They are a blessing.

1st #3: I got my first haircut in Kenya today. While it was a bit more expensive than I hoped to pay for, it was still cheaper than what I'd pay in the States. The lady did a nice job, but I couldn't understand about half of what she said because she had a Northern European accent, and I thoroughly enjoyed her multi-colored dyed hair. I would assume she had 4 colors.

1st #4: I went on my first run in Kenya today. I didn't make it far, only about 3 miles, but it felt great to go on a run. I got stared at a lot, but I really missed running, so going out was nice. I wish I could have gone farther, but a combination of heat, dehydration and breathing in exhaust and dust probably didn't help.

Otherwise it was a pretty normal start to the week. Some class, some hang out time with friends and family. I, again, hope you're all doing well, and to hear from you soon!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a better day today. It was good to hear you are running again!

    Can't wait 'til we talk tomorrow.

    Love you-
