Saturday, January 16, 2010


Hello from Dublin! Tonight is my last night in the city, and it has been an amazing experience. Tomorrow I leave to head down to Nairobi!

So Leah and I got here Thursday morning, and arrived at our hostel, which is right on the Liffey River in downtown Dublin! It is beautiful. We went on a very interesting tour of Kilmainham Jail which was formerly used to house numerous individuals, including political prisoners in Ireland until the early to mid 1900's. Then we preceded to go out for a little bit, grab some dinner and then called it a night.

The next morning we went on our first of two walking tours in the city. We saw many interesting things on the first tour. We learned about the history of the city and Ireland as a country, and saw how the city developed over time. We saw City Hall, Dublin Castle, where Handel's "Messiah" was first performed, the river, Trinity College and Irish Parliament. Later that night we went out.

This morning we woke up and went on another tour, this time seeing a few different things. On this tour we saw parts of medieval Dublin, where the Vikings landed, the Museum of Natural History and other parts of downtown Dublin. However, on this tour, we got to go into the Chester Beatty Library. Here, Beatty donated historic religious artifacts for the Irish people. This visit was special as we saw some of the original writings of the books of Mark, Matthew and John as well as Paul's letters to the Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, as well as others. It was beautiful and fascinating to see what we read today in its original form.

As I said earlier, I leave Dublin tomorrow to fly to London and then onto Nariobi. I hope this post finds you all well and I hope to hear from you soon! God Bless!


  1. I however can! Lance I hope you are just as excited about what you're undertaking now, as you were before you got there. We'll try to send this now.
    Love, G. G. & Jim

  2. Habari,
    We just received the e-mail forwarded from your folks from you. We are so excited for you and wish we were there when we were a few years younger. Please keep us educated on how your life is going there and all the things you see, learn, eat, etc.
