Thursday, January 14, 2010


Hello everyone! I'm in London in the hostel back from a pub where I had some bangers and mash! So great! My time in London has been wonderful.

My friend Leah who's studying in France picked me up from the Heathrow yesterday and we took the Tube to the hostel. Luckily Leah is with me because she knows how to use the Tube, whereas I was a little lost my first few times, and she's been helping me not look more like a ridiculous tourist than I already am.

After dropping our things at the hostel, we headed over to the Tower of London, which was really interesting, giving me new insight on the history of the city. We then walked along the river and saw the Tower Bridge. After that, we took the tube over to King's Cross and did our best Harry Potter fan pose in front of platform 9 3/4.

We headed over to Picadilly Circus, London's Time Square. We walked from there to China Town, Leicster Square and around the West End. Both being exhausted, we came back to the hostel and fell asleep pretty early.

Today we saw basically the rest of London's tourist sights. We went on a scenic walk along the river, which was beautiful in snow, and saw St. Paul's Cathedral, the Globe Theater, London Eye, Big Ben and Parliament building. We crossed the river and walked into Parliament Square and took some pictures in front of Westminster Abbey. We then walked from there to Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, back to Trafalgar Square, where we had lunch, and then to the National Gallery. At the National Gallery we saw some amazing art pieces, including portraits dating back to the 1500's. After a little rest back and the hostel, Leah and I went to a pub and had some traditional British food.

I leave tomorrow morning for Dublin. These last two days have been amazing. I love the city of London, and have already had some amazing experiences.

I hope this post finds you all well! Hope to hear from you soon.


  1. Glad to hear London was a smashing success! Wish you could've seen a show at the Globe and wish you'd done a bit more HP stuff, but those'll just be things we'll have to do in 2012 :) Love and miss you!

  2. Lance enjoying art??? Have you changed already in this short amount of time??

    Knew you would love London. Glad you had fun. Send pics if you get a chance.

    Love and miss you

  3. Please explain the bangers and mash.....??? I'm scared.
