Sunday, January 24, 2010


This post is from January 23rd: My time in Lake Nakuru was absolutely amazing. We left Nairobi the morning of the 19th to head to Lake Nakuru National Park. After a few hours on a bus, we arrived. Waiting to be let inside the park, we were greeted by a monkey who hopped onto the top of our bus, where our bags were, and was looking for food. We also got to see baboons run around and we saw a rhino walking near the lake.

That night, we got into our hostel at the park and just relaxed. On our way to the hostel, we saw a male and female lion. It was an amazing.

The next morning, we woke up and started our orientation work. We had orientation in the morning and early afternoon and then went on game drives. During orientation, numerous animals such as cape buffalo, zebras and gazelles walked by, and baboons even hopped over the fence and walked around as we sat there. On the game drives, we also saw giraffes, a leopard, impala, warthogs, hyenas, jackals, flamingoes and rhino.

One particular drive was absolutely beautiful. It started raining while it was still sunny. A rainbow formed over Lake Nakuru, and we could see the lake with the small mountains and clouds in the background and buffalo eating near the lake. It was amazing. The following morning, we went up to a place called Baboon Cliff where we watched the sun rise over the park. Some baboons stay here at night and were docile in the morning, so we were able to get within a few feet of them. It was beautiful.
One day at the national park, we went to the city of Nakuru to go to the market. It was an interesting experience, and good for me to learn how to buy in the market.
We just arrived into Nairobi today (the 23rd), and I’m currently having some down time at my home stay. I hope this post finds you all well. I miss you.

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